Customer Stories

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We save approx 100 ft of pipe every month due to the efficiency of the Watts W-122 machine.
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Using the Watts WM-60...a job that took seven hours can be done in less than an hour...
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...this W-364 cuts with superior quality...We reduced our labor costs, our run times and
...material handling...
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Pipe cuts that were taking...
40 hours to complete are now being
cut in 8 hours - including olets!
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The Watts W-244 six axis machine has enabled us to grow and
has opened up more
opportunities as well.
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The Watts pipe profiling system makes us...more efficient...spending less on manhours.
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...with a rental machine...cutting accuracy...quality of the bevels, joints and olets...Prep work was reduced dramatically!
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Prior to getting the Watts machine cranes moved pipe...the machine bed and conveyors enhance our safety and cuts down on our labor costs.
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...the Watts system drastically cuts the job labor time. The 3D software draws up the cuts, then the machine cuts it...our welding time has been reduced by 34%.
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We just completed a project.
I calculated and budgeted 40 manhours for drawing, cutting and beveling. We did the project in 3 manhours!
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We have cut...over 12,000 feet
of pipe, at 158 tons. We are getting
great value with our
W-244 machine.
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We went from two guys working all day cutting cutting two days a week...our labor savings alone justified the Watts Specialties machine.
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We are cutting around 50-80 vessels per month...what normally would take
10 hours...can now be done in one hour.
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The Watts
MO 2000/6 Series with a 6-axis torch head...We needed a machine for cutting pipe to precise lengths, beveling, and cutouts.
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The 6-axis Watts machine makes great cuts and the nesting software makes handling a 45 ft pipe fully automated.
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With the WM-60 and a 60 ft bed...We make faster cuts with less prep work and less amazing increase in production and ROI.
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...commands are entered...
the Watts W-364 machine makes the cuts...
manual cutting and grinding
would be a two-hour process.
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